Choosing a Custom Iron Fence

Custom iron fence

Add just the right touch of iron to your home with a custom iron fence!

When you want to add another touch to your home, you can’t go wrong with a custom iron fence that adds just the right sense of elegance to the property. What are the other benefits of adding an iron fence to your property line?


Most people associate big things with strength. Iron fences are deceivingly strong for something their size. Iron is actually iron oxide that is heated by a carbon source. Pure iron is extremely strong and can take the abuse many fences are given. Your fence may require some maintenance every few years but with this maintenance, it will hold its strength through the years.


Iron fences are a great way to provide the security you and your family need. Iron fences are harder to scale than other fences because their posts are pointy. By design, many iron fences are smooth and do not have anything for someone to grip onto.


Any drive through a historical town will show you elegant, Victorian styles homes outlined by beautiful, black iron fences. The fences are as much of a show stopper as the gingerbread molding and wrap around porches. This curb appeal has lasted throughout the centuries with proper maintenance. Your iron fence will add just as much visual appeal to your home. Choose a fence that is vintage inspired or inspired by the nature surrounding your home, either way your home will stand out and make people take notice.

Although other fences are strong and provide security, not many other fence materials will last as long as your iron fence or provide the same amount of curb appeal that iron will. Your custom iron fence will give you just the right combination of durability, strength, and design you want. If you want something classic like the Victorians of the past or something inspired by the nature surrounding your home, it is up to you. So make your home stand out with your custom design, call Hercules Custom Iron!


With security and the added bonus of a pleasing aesthetic appeal, wrought iron may fit your needs. Hercules Custom Iron has more than 70 years of experience crafting glass fences, ornamental iron, and quality aluminum in its in-house manufacturing facility. Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project! Also, be sure to follow Hercules Custom Iron on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

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