Fence Tips: Caring for a Metal Fence When it Snows

We might have had a fairly mild winter here in Maryland to start out, but once the groundhog told us there would be 6 more weeks of winter it seems like the real cold and winter weather finally arrived. The past two weeks have seen some of the coldest weather we’ve had this year, as well as snow and ice.

Do you know how to take care of your metal fence when it snows? In fact, most of the work you need to do to take care of your fence should be done before it snows. Fortunately, we haven’t had a ton of snow yet this year, but if we get a big snow event, it’s important to know what to do to protect your fence beforehand. Learn these fence tips for how to care for your metal fence before the snow comes in this week’s blog!

Metal Fence Care in the Snow

Rake Away Leaves and Debris

You might be surprised to learn that leaves and debris that collect at the bottom of your fence can be a threat to its integrity. Why? Well, when it snows, the debris at the base of the fence collect moisture and hold it there. The earth around the fence becomes saturated with moisture, which makes it looser. The fence posts need the earth to be compact in order to stay in place. So when the earth loosens, the fence posts can shift out of place and damage the fence.

The easy way to prevent this from happening is to simply rake away leaves and debris away from your fence. That way, moisture won’t be a problem.

Trim Those Limbs

Another threat to your wood fence when it snows are tree limbs. When a big snow event comes through, the weight of the snow and ice on the limbs of trees can cause them to break off. If they fall on your fence, they could damage it.

This too, is easily prevented. Just make sure that any limbs overhanging your fence are trimmed back before the snow comes. While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to trim all vegetation away from your fence.


Hercules Custom Iron has more than 70 years of experience crafting ornamental iron and quality aluminum in its in-house manufacturing facility.  Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project! Also, be sure to follow Hercules Custom Iron on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

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