How to Take Care of an Aluminum Fence in the Winter

Winter is almost here, and that means snow, ice, rain, and cold weather. Your aluminum fence is designed to stand up very well to the elements. Still, you can protect your fence even more with the right care. This week, we’ll talk about how to take care of an aluminum fence in the winter. Give your fence the care it deserves!

Taking Care of an Aluminum Fence in the Winter

Watch the Posts

The most important winter fence care tip is to watch out for your fence posts. What happens is that during the winter, snow, ice, and water can collect in debris around the base of the fence. This saturates the earth there. When the earth is saturated, it loosens its grip on the base of the fence post. If the base wasn’t installed deep enough, than it can move around in the loose earth, which causes the fence to shift and become disfigured.

So how do you prevent this? Try to keep debris away from your fence. Make sure leaves, sticks, etc. don’t pile up around the fence, because this is where water tends to accumulate. This is the number one tip for winter fence care. Keep debris away from your fence, and you’ve won half the battle.

Trim Back Trees

Are there any tree limbs located above your aluminum fence? In the winter, these can get heavy with snow and ice. Too much weight and they can break off and fall, damaging your fence. To prevent this, trim back limbs and branches before the first big snow of the year.

Inspect it Regularly

Inspect your aluminum fence regularly to see if it has sustained any damage. A small chip in the paint can lead to rusting on a large scale if you don’t catch it fast enough. Repair any damage as soon as possible.

aluminum fence

For more information about aluminum fences, contact  Hercules Custom Iron. We have more than 70 years of experience crafting ornamental iron and quality aluminum in its in-house manufacturing facility.  Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project! Also, be sure to follow Hercules Custom Iron on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

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