The Advantages of Security Fencing for Schools

hercules custom iron security fencing

Learn about the advantages of security fencing for schools.

While discussions about fences usually revolve around residential properties or high-security commercial and governmental facilities, those are not the only places that benefit from fencing. Schools are another facility that often uses fencing for security and safety. Even though the thought of adding “security fencing” to a school might make some people anxious because of the assumed reason, it is common and convenient for several reasons. Read on to learn more about the advantages of security fencing for schools.


The safety of students is a top priority for any school, but those with students who may be prone to elopement are significantly helped by fencing. A complete security perimeter will help keep students on the property if they do potentially get out of the areas where they are supposed to be. This is also a good solution for students in higher grades who may try to skip class or leave school entirely. The fence makes it easier to keep track of the students in the school’s care.

Security Of Property

A fence also makes it easier to keep the property safe, including anything stored at the school during the day and night. Having a security fence around the school can help protect the valuables stored there, like computers and science equipment, and the cars belonging to faculty and staff. A security fence will also cover the school grounds, from vandals to would-be pranksters.

Property Delineation

Depending on the school’s surroundings, the fence can also do the critical job of property delineation. If residential properties surround the school, it might be hard to know exactly where their property (and thus maintenance responsibility) ends, and the school begins. The fence removes all doubt.

Access Control

Finally, a fence controls who can come onto the school grounds. While this may not be the use that people want to think about, it is one of the most important. Parents want to feel secure knowing the school will not let people inside the property who might harm anyone.  A fence with a controlled point of entry makes it much easier to know who is trying to access the property and control that access.


If you are ready to install your chain link fence and add railings or you still have some more questions, we here at Hercules Custom Iron are here to help. We have many years of experience and will ensure that your chain link fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

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