Benefits of Powder Coating Your Wrought Iron Fence

Powder coating

Add color to your iron fence with powder coating!

When thinking about purchasing a custom aluminum or wrought iron fence, it is important to think about powder coating. We’ve talked about powder coatingss before but we think it is time to talk about what it is and why you need it. Read on to find out about it!

What is Powder Coating?

Powder coating is a method of applying a decorative and protective finish to the metal. This coating is used for both industrial and residential purposes. The powder used in this process is a mixture of finely ground pigments and resins that are static-electrically sprayed onto the surface. The electrically charged powder adheres to the electrically ground surface until the powered is fused to the smooth coating using a heated curing oven. The result is a uniformed surface with an attractive finish. So why should you choose powder coating over simple painting?

Why Should You Choose This Coating?

Paint may seem like the best option if you want color for your fence, but this coating lasts longer than paint and will give you a smoother finish than brush strokes. Unlike paint, your coating is weather resistant and will not blister in the heat or driving rain. With the right maintenance, powder coating can last for 20 years or more. If you are looking for something that is environmentally friendly, powder coating is the solution for you. Paint contains harmful solvents and heavy metals that are toxic to the environment. Paint contains pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are not only toxic to the environment but to your health. While you are no doubt wondering why this matters, the by-products of paint can ooze into your soil and end up in the water supply with toxic effects. But these coatings are non-toxic and are even used in the food service industry.

Powder coating is used in many different industries for many different purposes. So why aren’t you using it on your custom iron fence? Call Hercules Fence Custom Iron today!


Drawing on more than 70 years of experience, Hercules Custom Iron, an affiliate of Hercules Fence, offers outstanding customer service and quality, aesthetically pleasing custom iron, aluminum and glass solutions. Contact Us today to talk to one of our seasoned experts or for a free consultation and estimate!

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