Checklist for Properly Maintaining Your Iron Fence in Winter

Taking care of your aluminum fence

Make sure to take care of your aluminum fence this winter!

You purchased your iron fence for a reason. Whether you wanted the fence for its durability, its security, its attractiveness or for any other reason, you can reasonably expect it to look good for the long haul.

Even though your iron fence is extremely durable, it isn’t maintenance free. There are several steps you must take to ensure it keeps its natural beauty and stays highly strong and stable.

  • Inspect your fence regularly. You should regularly visually inspect your iron fences. Look for signs of rust, loose or unstable footings, cracks, or other damage. If the fence has been painted, look for chips in the paint, then take steps to repair whatever damage you find. Most issues with iron fences are easy to fix, provided you catch them early. It is wise to check on at least a seasonal basis.
  • Take protective measures. Wrought iron fences rust when exposed to the elements. Rain, snow, humidity and wind are your fence’s enemy. To combat them, apply a protective coat of wax keep rust away.
  • Clean your fence. Cleaning your fence and gates with a mixture of warm water and dish detergent on a regular basis will help to ensure dirt doesn’t ruin them. Keeping everything clean will not only maintain the pristine look of your fence, it will make it easier to spot problem areas.
  • Repair rust spots. If a small area of your fence has begun to rust, you can take steps to minimize the damage. Use sandpaper or steel wool to remove the rust, then stop the corrosion by applying wax or a sealant. Touching up your fence’s paint job can also minimize the appearance of rust.
  • Prime and paint your iron fence. Once you’ve removed rust, prime and paint your fence as quickly as possible. A rust-resistant paint, applied before the first signs of snow and ice, will keep your fence beautiful throughout the winter.

For More Information, Call Hercules Custom Iron

With security and the added bonus of a pleasing aesthetic appeal, wrought iron may fit your needs. Hercules Custom Iron has more than 70 years of experience crafting glass fences, ornamental iron, and quality aluminum in its in-house manufacturing facility. Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project! Also, be sure to follow Hercules Custom Iron on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!


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