Painting a Metal Fence

Looking to give your metal fence new life with a fresh coat of paint? It’s not as simple as breaking out the paint and brush and getting started. There are a few steps you must go through before you paint a metal fence, but if done right you’ll end up with a great looking fence. Let’s talk about the process of painting a metal fence.

Painting a Metal Fence

Remove Rust

Before you paint the fence, you have to remove rust so the paint will stick and apply evenly. You can read about how to remove rust from a metal fence in our blog.

Wash the Fence

Once you’ve completed the rust removal process, it’s time to wash the fence. Good old soap and water will do the trick. Use a rag to get every part of the fence, then rinse it off and allow it to dry overnight. Make sure the fence is dry before you start painting.


First, you’ll need to paint the fence with a metal primer. If the primer is too thick, you can add small amounts of mineral spirits to it. Stir them in and add more if it remains too thick. Once you’ve got the right consistency, apply the metal primer to the fence. Use a smooth stroke to avoid streaks or bubbles.

Once the primer has been applied and allowed to dry completely for a day, you can paint with the top coat. Again, use smooth strokes and watch for any mistakes so you can correct them before they dry. After the first coat dries, add a second coat. Once this coat is dry, you’ve successfully finished painting your metal fence!

paint metal fence

Hercules Custom Iron is proud to be an affiliate of Hercules Fence. We have more than 70 years of industry experience and are committed to providing quality craftsmanship. Our custom designs are crafted by master fabricators to produce ornamental iron that offers both aesthetic appeal and structural reliability. Professional in-house installers take care to provide the highest quality service for every job they complete.

Our state-of-the art manufacturing and sand blasting facility is located just 60 miles north of Washington D.C. We also offer onsite, top of the line paint and powder coating. Our dedication has enabled Hercules Custom Iron to become a revolutionary company respected throughout the industry. We are proud to of our place as a leading manufacturer of custom iron work throughout, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. We look forward to having you Contact Us to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project!

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