Protecting an Iron Fence from the Effects of Wind

There’s no question that the effects of heavy wind can damage your iron fence if you’re not careful.

With spring finally here, rain and storms will be coming to the Mid-Atlantic region again before we know it. Sometimes, the rain will bring windy conditions as well. This wind can be damaging at times, particularly to fencing. While iron fences are hardy and built to withstand the elements, there’s no question that the effects of heavy wind can damage them if you’re not careful. But by taking some precautions, you can help protect your iron fence from the worst during a wind storm. Here’s how to do it.

Clearing Trees Around the Fencing Line

Falling trees is one of the most common ways that fences can get damaged during heavy winds. And depending on the trees surrounding your fence line, even iron fences can sustain damage from falling branches. Look into ways to clear off overhanging branches from your fence line, and ensure that your trees are pruned and cleaned up during your regular landscaping maintenance window. Make sure that any dead or dying trees are removed from the area promptly, as these are most at risk of collapsing and damaging your iron fence.

Secure Yard Furniture

During a heavy wind storm, yard furniture commonly gets tossed into fencing. And while furniture is typically easy and inexpensive to replace, fencing is not. Before a storm, ensure that your yard furniture is secured. Tie them down or move them into a garage or shed. It will save you a lot of potential trouble and costly repairs/replacement.

Lock Your Gate

If your iron fence features gating, ensure that the gates are locked before the storm hits. Swinging gates cause a lot of undue stress on the fencing system – repeated smashing into the fence, as you might imagine, isn’t good for either the gate or the fence. To be extra careful, you might even consider removing the gate altogether and storing it in a shed or garage until the storm passes.

Inspecting the Fence

Besides these recommendations, just generally checking your iron fence system is a good idea before a storm. Iron fencing is known for its strength and security, but posts can still get loose sometimes. By checking the fence and reinforcing where necessary, you can ensure your iron fence stands strong even when Mother Nature is at her worst!


If you are ready to plan out your fencing project or you still have some more questions, Hercules Custom Iron is here to help. We have many years of experience and will ensure that your iron fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

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