Public Areas That Would Benefit From Bollards

Commercial and Public Areas That Would Benefit From Bollards

Here are a few locations and instances where installing bollards could benefit the surrounding area, and protect the people and property in the vicinity.

Commercial and public areas are, as the words suggest, open to the general public for people and their vehicles to come and go as they please. This inherently isn’t a bad thing, of course, but some places with such public accessibility do pose some security and safety concerns. Bollards are a practical solution when commercial properties or public spaces need to create limited access. Here are a few locations and instances where installing bollards could benefit the surrounding area, and protect the people and property in the vicinity.

Schools and College Campuses

Student and faculty safety is always a significant concern when there are so many people roaming about the buildings and campus. In some areas, it can be open enough for vehicles to drive through campus, which could pose a threat to the facilities. Bollards limit and, in some instances, can guide vehicular traffic away from people walking about the school grounds.

Restaurant and Retail Storefronts

Restaurants and retail stores depend on having people coming to their location, on foot, or by car. Some restaurants especially want to maintain a considerable separation from outside-seated diners and general human and vehicle traffic. In addition to using a metal fence to create a pleasant outdoor dining area or extended retail area, bollards offer an extra dimension of protection from any auto accident. Also, bollards can be made to enhance a storefront aesthetically or look subtle, as not to clash with the establishment’s facade.

Parking Places

Parking structures, parking lots, and other garages face heavy vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic, all in a confined space. Yet, everyone still needs plenty of open space to give way to each other and their cars. Bollards act as a great visual and protective measure to remind everyone to be careful when navigating the parking structure.

Bike Lanes

Bike lanes are found in more populated and bustling areas to accommodate more modes of transportation. But, when bike riders and drivers share a road, this could lead to some unsafe situations. Consider using bollards to help divide the bike lane from the rest of the road. There’s more flexibility with spaced out bollards for everyone to maneuver, but strong bollards could make a difference if a car accidentally starts drifting into the bike lane.

Parks and Public Squares

Parks and public squares are nice places because of how open the surroundings are to wander around, but as we’ve mentioned, this could be dangerous if cars and people gather in one place. Removable or collapsible bollards could help. During exceptionally busy times or special events, the local authorities can put the bollards in place to control pedestrian and vehicle access. Still, everything remains accessible and convenient for all visitors to get to where they’re going.


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