The Advantages of Glass Rails from Hercules Custom Iron

hercules custom iron glass rails

What’s advantageous about glass rails from Hercules Custom Iron?

You can guard your property with beauty and elegance by utilizing glass rails. Railings can contain various materials such as wood, chrome, iron, stainless steel, and stone. However, glass has become trendy for multiple reasons. Here is what’s advantageous about glass rails from Hercules Custom Iron.

Glass Rails are Low-Maintenance

Unlike other materials with complex designs, glass is sleek and straightforward to clean. Take a few minutes to clean the surface with a glass cleaner. In addition, polishing can fix scratches or other damages and restore shine. Plus, manufacturers treat tempered glass at a high temperature, ensuring durable enough to handle extreme weather. You also don’t have to think or worry about rust, mold, rot, or termites infesting the glass. You don’t need to paint, stain, or replace glass rails.


Glass rails come equipped with an aesthetically pleasing clean, contemporary feel. Glass is transparent, thus making any environment appear more spacious. Even the narrowest or smallest of areas can benefit from glass rails. Also, since tempered glass panels are invisible, they offer a seamless flow between your property and the surrounding landscape. Whether you’re a minimalist and prefer a simple row of glass steps or prefer an elaborate spiral staircase with a glass railing, Hercules Custom Iron can meet your customized needs.

Safe and Strong

Glass railings are safe and strong. First, they don’t have slats or openings that would make it easy for a small child or pet to stick their heads or limbs through, become stuck, or fall. Also, glass railings are nearly impossible for children (or anyone) to climb because there isn’t any place to gain footing. Third, safety-tempered glass panels don’t break into large, sharp pieces, making them safe to use on and around stairs. In addition, they hold up well to the elements such as strong winds, rain, and heavy snowfall. You can also rest assured that glass won’t lose its shine or functionality over time.

Easy to Customize and Install

Some materials look better with particular architectural styles. For example, wooden rails make sense if your home has a rustic charm. However, glass rails can adapt to both modern and traditional flair. It comes in a range of shapes, sizes, and transparencies. In addition, it doesn’t take a long time to install glass railings because they usually only consist of glass panels and a railing. A bonus is that glass is eco-friendly and recyclable.

Call Hercules Custom Iron today if you’re ready to benefit from the advantages of glass rails.


If you are ready to plan out your fencing project or you still have some more questions, Hercules Custom Iron is here to help. We have many years of experience and will ensure that your iron fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

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