What to Do About Sagging Fence Gates

What to Do About Sagging Fence Gates

Most gates are made of either wood or some other metal. Here are some tips for dealing with sagging fence gates.

Most gates are made of either wood or some other metal. However, both of them can start to sag over time. What can you do about them? Here are some tips for dealing with sagging fence gates.

Basic Elements

Every fence, no matter what it is made of, relies on fence posts for support. A single panel or two panels also reinforce the gate, similar to the fence around it.

All gates need to have hinges so they can open and close, at least when it comes to residential walk gates. If the gate is sagging, something holding up it up could be failing. You won’t know until you take a closer look. When you do, however, you’ll need some handy tools to make the whole process easier.   

Tools You Need

The first tool you’ll need is a spirit level. You’ll also need a ratchet or box wrench, plus a power drill. If you’re looking to fix the hinges on the gate in question, then you’ll need some new hardware to replace it with; to be sure your replacements works, you should grab some extra support bolts. Lastly, make sure to bring some oil with you, or some other lubricant, because chances are, after all the wind and rain, the hinges and rusty.

How to Do It

Start by looking at the posts that support your sagging gate. Ensure that they’re level, so if you’re not sure if you can do this by sight, that’s why you have the spirit level tool. Then, carefully replace the hinges on the gate, both top, and bottom. Pull the post away, and brace it with some bricks or blocks for the time being. Then put the hinges back into place. Bolt them securely and add some oil or other lubricants where you think you need them.

More Advice

When you go to fix a sagging gate, you’ll have to consider where the gate is located. A walk gate into your backyard from the driveway is going to be far different than a gate you would use to pen in your livestock, for instance. Heavier and heavier-duty gates will need far more support as well. In this case, using metal wiring is a simple way to add more leverage. If you need to, you can find gate wire kits that should have everything you need.   


If you are ready to install your iron fence gate or you still have some more questions, we here at Hercules Custom Iron are here to help. We have plenty of years of experience and will ensure that your pool fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, and Pinterest.

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